Thursday, October 31, 2013


today i opted to sleep that extra 20 seconds it would have taken to put a smidgen of effort into a costume.  instead, i threw on the blue renaissance faire shawl thing and called it a holiday.

walking onto campus is like walking into a Spirit Halloween store or something.  these people really go for it.  those little costumes that make you look like a little person riding an ostrich- nine piece ensembles- costumes that require very specific and strange hats... i wonder if these people have special rooms in their houses dedicated to storing these once a year outfits.

and then there was me.  i was rocking the space where people could tell i had put SOME kind of effort into my costume but obviously not enough to really BE anything.  this is the kind of special space where people don't really bother to ask "what are you?"

Except one.  One student asked.
"I'm comfortable,"  I said.

Later, M texts me.  She was working at the school when I rocked my other go-to costume, a paper weight (in which I stand on a piece of paper when asked).
M:  I heard you were tunic lady :)
me:  Bahaha!  Indeed.  Everyone was shocked and amazed.  They couldn't believe the innovation and vision.
M:  You would've won the costume contest... why didn't you compete?
me:  I'm already so popular, it hardly seemed fair to everyone else.

happy weenie.
another year.

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