Friday, September 14, 2012

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Finished a second reading on September 11.  Not as many tears, but a deeper connection to Oskar due to a greater understanding of PTSD.  On my first reading, the Something/Nothing dichotomy stood out  much more clearly.  Perhaps it spoke to the moment.

The only tears shed this time  were caused by the build that resulted in the last line:
"We would have been safe."
and the frozen image of the falling body,
 reversed to ascension, 
but still and inevitably a remnant of something that cannot be reversed. 
 a stilled reminder that there is no safety. 
 there is no way to take that body out of the air.

that spoke extremely loudly to me this time,
it is incredibly close to my biggest fears
of helplessness.

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