Saturday, May 15, 2010

without boundary

Sound bytes:

"Ms. I, is it bad for someone not to believe in God?"
"What do you mean by bad?"
.... "I don't know... like, my cousin is an atheist."
"People are always growing and changing and trying to figure things out. It is OK to question."

Concerning students/people who defy expectations:
"What it comes down to is someone at some point told them they could do anything they wanted to do."

Why her parents chose to raise her as they did:
"No one told them that who they are is enough. No one encouraged them to do what they wanted. So they made the conscious decision to raise us differently."

Maybe the most important role of teachers/parents rests in paradox. To provide a framework from which to view the world, but also to encourage them to challenge or question or explore outside of the framework. To set clear limits and at the same time to teach them that there really are none.