Sunday, March 24, 2013

true terror is glimpsing your former self

during Teach for America training, they did a lot to move [well meaning but incredibly] sheltered people like me into a greater awareness of the struggles and realities of, well, the other 84% of the country/world.  This week I was reaching into my teaching archives and unearthed a gem of a worksheet from a workshop called "Unpacking Privilege".  We were first supposed to fill in the boxes with how we identified, and then prioritize them 1-12 in order of how closely we related that category to our sense of identity.  Here is a glimpse of mine then and now:

Socio-Economic Status/Class
Middle Class
Middle Class
Sexual Orientation
Straight (fluid?)
Country of Origin/Geography
Physical Ability
Fully Able
Fully Able
Intellectual Ability
High Ability
High Ability
Political Affiliation
Republican (conservative)
No affiliation
Level of Education
College graduate
Nearly completed MA

So there's that.

What really makes my skin crawl is the order that I prioritized them then/now.  I don't even know who that girl was and I'm sad and mad that she spent 23 years of her existence so sheltered and unaware.  The true terror comes from realizing that you could be saying that about yourself again in 7 years in ways you can't anticipate.

Here were/are my identity priorities:
Religion: Catholic
Gender:  Female  *
Intellectual Ability:  High Ability
Religion:  Atheist**
Republican (conservative) 
Socio-Economic Status:  Middle Class
Level of Education: College graduate
Age:  30***
Gender: Female
Intellectual Ability:  High
Age: 23
Sexual Orientation:  Straight (fluid)****
Socio-Economic Status: Middle Class
Race/Ethnicity:  White
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Education:  MA
Race/Ethnicity: White
Physical Ability:  Fully able*****
Physical Ability:  Fully Able
Language:  English
Language:  English
Political Affiliation:  no affiliation
Country of Origin:  USA
Country: USA******

*gender and religion are really interchangeable in 1st and 2nd spots
** I remember little about filling this out the first time, except the feeling of not wanting others to see my answers.  I knew that my religious and political views made me a minority in that crowd.  Now,  I remain in the minority with my atheism, and politics have fallen off the radar.  I don’t think I ever was really that invested in them… but I was definitely dating someone who identified as Republican. 
*** Age used to hover in the middle because I thought my youth would prevent anyone from taking me seriously.  Now it climbs even higher on the list… for similar reasons.
****  Someday we won’t even be talking about sexual orientation in the same way.  College classes and experience and a number of factors have lifted that shelter.
***** although I do have a bunion and a weird foot thing
****** I have no idea what it means to be American except for what it is not.   I do not have a patriotic bone in my body, and I am growing rapidly opposed to war and other atrocities that I associate with being “a true American” 

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