Tuesday, January 22, 2013


in my eyes closed half asleep brilliance, i just mumbled on and on to j about this idea for a new tv series/novel trilogy.

there will be a group  called the Popoettes who are a group of women police officers who fight crime and are also poets, but that's obviously a terrible name and gross to say so they will also be corrupt and the antagonists.

there will also be a group called the Bum Drum Circle made up of the homeless and bums and the expected ghetto inhabitants etc. and they will promote peace and harmony through the music they create in their drum circles.  their challenge will be to overcome the negative stereotypes about the homeless as perpetuated by the powers that be- such as the Popoettes.

i'm not sure he heard me, as i was mumbling pretty incoherently and speaking in strange grunts and fragments, but obviously the sheer brilliance of the idea prompted me to peel open my eyeballs to record this idea here.

you let me know in the morning if it's a good idea.

copyright lindseying 2013
all rights reserved
or else.

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