Saturday, September 22, 2012

something about stickin

this generation don't know nuthin about stickin to something
don't know nuthin about a promise.
nuthin about stickin with a job for a whole of your career
about loy- al- tee
about marryin and stickin to it
always jumpin from one boat to another
all of em leakin
go to the doctor and get pills so you can live on borrowed time
don't know nuthin about plantin gardens and watchin em grow

the only attempt you manage to muster
is a halfass promise to the credit card company
and even then,
it's a gamble and a prayer that that promise means squat

but you HUNGRY for it
god, you starvin
you don't know nothin BOUT a promise, but you love hearin about and believin about it
somebody on tv promise you life gonna look different if you buy something new
and you sell your soul to chase that promise
you feel some kind of itch to try on every promise to see if it fits
you jump through apartments and lovers and religious and political a- feel- ee- Ations
but you lookin for the same thing every time

you lookin for a word that means somethin

and someone tol you if you ain't find it yet, you ain't lookin hard enough

but i'm here to tell you, if it ain't there, it ain't there
and no amount of scrunchin up your face and starin is gonna put it there
there ain't gonna be no promise resurrected from some hollow tomb

you want somethin and you ain't find it yet-
you start makin it for yourself

you start makin a promise of your own
something you know about
and know how to keep

and you start learnin how to stick to it

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