Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Last night I dreamed I was in Elisnore with J and C when an earthquake happened.  It just kept going on and on.  Everyone started to panic and grab furniture.  C darted off around the corner, not realizing the severity.  We could see the ground start to twist and move away from him.  J ran after him and pushed him toward me at the last possible second and I sheltered him.   I just kept thinking, "I have to brace myself.  I am about to die."

I woke up from the anxiety, but I must have survived

Because when I went back to sleep, I was on a huge boat with all kinds of other people who had survived a recent earthquake or natural disaster.  No one was sure of what was going to happen now but everyone was frantic to prepare for potential aftershocks.  

I just kept trying to think of what I should do if the ship started sinking.  Should I climb outside?Would I be safer in the ocean adrift or should I stay inside and bury myself underneath something, hoping on some chance that the ceiling wouldn't crush me if it fell?  There seemed to be no sure sign of safety- everything a gamble and a chance.  Resigned to death but still hoping at life.  

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