Sunday, March 1, 2015

like a library book

so overdue
except minus the Dewey Decimal system-like order

1.  To a Senior who shared with me news about her acceptance into a NY Performing Arts school, "It will be overwhelming... because you'll feel special and not special at the same time.  And the reality is, both are true." #realtalk

2.  Said and heard while sitting around at coffeeshops over teh last few months:
"Let there be no record of our shame." -me "History is a trading of corruptions." -me "How many wars have the horses started?  None." -Neil #coffeehousephilosophers

3.  Too much work and no play makes Lindsey a financially stable(ish) adult.  #therearemoreimportantthings

4.  Last weekend I woke up in between unavoidable, restless naps with the distinct thought that someday, along with a birthday, I will have a death day.   Death hasn't been on my mind in any anxiety connected way since I dropped religion years ago.  I didn't necessarily feel panicked, just... somber.  Like Emily Webb all over again, "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?  Every--- every minute?"  That reality.  The thought has stayed with me- both heavy and igniting. #realize

5.  I believe in kindness and recognizing the goodness in others. #onethingiknow

6.  The Theory of Everything - Boyhood - Whiplash  ... film matters to me.  I cried or freaked out in some zoned-in way during all of these.  I'm sure I would feel the same sense of immersion with the other Oscar nominees.    This year, I'm going to try to see all of the Oscar buzz movies when they play at the Art Theatre.  There is something sacred about telling stories through film.  Film matters to me.  It inspires and reminds and devastates.  #humanexperience

7.  Huge pendulum swings of feelings with photography.  Learning so much.  This art requires immersion and impatience and forgiveness.  Growing, still.  I'm realizing I enjoy fine-tuning single images in conceptual-type work more than cranking out huge batches of event work.  When my schedule frees up, I hope to move more in that direction experimentally.  #chaseit