loving is a dangerous thing to do
even in small amounts
every expansion and every release
comes with a stronger contraction of doubt
this is the best that i can do-
considering all
(considering all)
words that have been rehearsed and said
are very easy to say again
and the deeds, they speak for themselves
but then
(Morrison knew)
a reckoning with some rusted memory box
an urge to apologize
incessant chattering, clarifying nothing
lonely for the lie
for all of my attempts
my best won't be enough
the offering is exhausting
giving away your tells
opening up your insides to an unforgiving,
opening up your insides to an unforgiving,
harsh light scrutiny
it's hard to remember what
it feels like, now
to have laid it all bare and to still be there
or how it ever felt right before
rust and grey- a winter array
you knew that this was coming
resting consuming investing clothing stepping growing saving asking looking toning cutting watching moving knowing
a critical voice wakes me up in a panic
from some happy dream
not sure quite how to get myself there anymore-
what i like from your face, what i trust in your core
not sure quite how
when there's nothing at stake
when there's no keeping and nothing to lose
i don't know how to believe
that someone's words might match their deeds
so i won't assume and i won't wager,
keep myself safe from all those
obvious dangers
let's not even talk about next year
it is still in between the head and the heart
but it's nothing like a home
go to bed and wrestle that subconscious part
tomorrow, wake up alone
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