Friday, May 23, 2014

five for friday

1.  My life is full to the brim and I'm happy as a clam.  I could, however, use a nap.  Tired this week.  Excited for the year to come, though I wonder how I'll juggle a busier photog life with the usual school gig.  One more year.

2.  I picked up A BOOK this week.  Power to me.  The Elegance of the Hedgehog.  It's just right.

3.  A humble opinion whisper-screamed toward the world of photography:  ENOUGH WITH THE FLOWER CROWNS.  They've had their day.  Over em.

4.  The cultural shifts I've witnessed even since teaching here are pretty incredible.  I'm thinking especially in terms of sexual/gender stereotypes.  I wonder if the ubiquitous presence of social media in the lives of my students' generation has the effect of speeding up social conversation and, therefore, change.  It's hard to stay as isolated and ignorant to larger social dialogues if you're plugged in.  Makes me feel hopeful.

5.  Started working out last week.  A few youtube workout videos a day.  The variety is good, and the short time commitment is key.  Feeling better so far.  My bloated/pregnant-looking pooch is finding its way back to tolerable.  Soon my pants might even start fitting again.

Motivated.  Hopeful.  All good on all fronts.
Over & out.

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