1. after a strange week in Boston, a man supposedly responsible was taken away alive (though reporters seem confused as to how he survived so much gunfire) and there is cheering in the streets. now is the chance for everyone to get their stories together. now it is time for multiple discourses to compete for attention, ultimately resulting in "the truth" and "what really happened."
2. i am so thankful for protective services- people who do good work to protect innocent lives, often at the cost of their own.
3. The Place Beyond the Pines was unnerving. it was a stark reminder that even the best intended people on the "right" side of the law are still human and flawed and susceptible to error.
4. my brother made the cut for the special forces this week. i have such conflicted feelings.
5. technology is so fast. already, images and memes are assembled and passed about what happened moments ago in Boston. it is fascinating to live in a world where we are such active contributors in creating the art and language and reality of our collective experience. postmodernism.
6. i can hardly handle any more mandatory faith formation meetings. i become really hostile. so often, the speakers resort to open condescension of atheism, often demonizing all atheists in one fell swoop. today the man was ridiculously dismissive of stephen hawking (both the man and his work), and then went on to spout manipulated, biased, ridiculous nonsense in an effort to provide evidence for the existence of god. i always scribble pages and pages of frustrated responses to ridiculous breaches of logic made during these talks, intending to blog in detail later. but, as has happened every time before, i come home and go to blog and feel like recreating the mess is just a waste of time and space. angry, though. it makes me angry. i feel like it is an attack on reason and basic intellect. i really need to look for other work... life is too short to subject myself to that sort of nonsense if there are better options.
7. one gem, though: "you have to work really hard to be an atheist- there is so much to deny." um...
8. speaking of working hard: by this time in 2 weeks i will have finished taking my comps exam. i will be free in a whole new way. i have big plans for that freedom.
9. thank you, buffalo exchange, thank you.
10. happiness is created by chemical reactions in your body.
11. possible sources- infinite
12. like multiverses
13. some song
14. am i afraid of death? no. i don't even know what it means.
15. reality is spun.