they're blowing smoke
a new pope has been voted in
if the holy spirit guides the cardinals in their choices-
why is a vote necessary?
if they're all in tune with god's prompting-
why are there differing opinions?
did some of the cardinals turn their holy spirit hearing aids off?
does god revel in the pageantry and suspense?
is this a jesus christ PR ploy?
i have some discomfort with large, waiting, shouting masses
the frenzy can so easily turn into something monstrous
they anticipation and sense of togetherness can so easily pass as
evidence of some larger-than-you truth
we humans, we are fallible
we humans love to lose our voices in the crowd
we humans, we love to put our finger on the map and say we were
at this exact historical moment
on march 13, 2013
when the first latin american pope was elected (to be followed by another, in my lifetime no doubt)
i was holed up in my room during lunch
with the lights off
eating at least a half a bag of indulgent trail mix
and counting down the days
viva some future that isn't so thick with ridiculous
"may there be a great brotherhood," he said,
and the pious sisters hid their hair under their chastity bridegroom veils
and clasped their hands in rapt adoration at their new
father figure of
we learn so little, so slowly.
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