Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Short-Lived Career

A Short Cautionary Tale of Broken English and Agitation

Once upon a time, a broke teacher answered an email from her college requesting editing help on a nursing student's thesis.  The teacher quickly googled going rates for editors, pitched a rate and landed the position.  The nursing student was to send her 60 page documents for revision on such a such a day, and it was to be completed by such and such a day.  

The day came and the nursing student sent a document as well as a request that the teacher construct a few complex diagrams to accompany the report.  The teacher upped her rate, was approved, and spent five hours on a beautiful Sunday editing the work of a grown-ass supposedly educated college student whose writing would have earned a C (maybe) in her high school class.  The experience was painful, (containing gems such as "not only in the U.S, but nation wide), but the teacher consoled herself with the promise of a paycheck and the fact that she was probably helping this woman from failing at life entirely.

Later that evening, the teacher returned a phone call from the nursing student.  During this conversation, she was told that, oh no, she didn't have to worry about checking the document part, that the document part is fine as is, and could she please just make the diagrams and check that the document was in proper APA format.

And so began and ended the teacher's editing career.
Never again.

The End

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