Friday, June 1, 2012

a way

i read it in big hungry gulps with the world stopped around me.
everything was stitched together in a mess of
of concrete and oceans and dilemmas.

it was something with a soundtrack.  it was a supernova up close.
up & a way a ways away

on a thursday
the day before graduation
with heavy boots
on and unlaced
not time
to live
through it all.

they say that maybe
there may be
many universes
and infinite happenings
and possibilities.

all i know is one.
all i know is one.

and i wanted to shout
"i am no mystery!
i hardly know anything about anything!
i am always late to know the latest!
i will disappoint you in the daylight!"

i wanted to apologize
to warn
to beg forgiveness
in advance
for the trespass of existing at all.


be true!  be true!  be true!
i absolve you of your humanity.  in the name of the fatherandofthesonandoftheholyspirit.  amen

(we are all and always haunted.)