Friday, June 22, 2012


i picked this up at a garage sale, thinking it was some kind of sociological look at the culture behind stripping.  it was more of a memoire.  it's a former stripper's experience of trying to harness her sexual identity in a way that she is proud of and in control of in a world determined to control her and define her by... well, you can read the excerpt.

SPOILER ALERT:  she fails.  when you try to win the game by playing by the same rules, you might win,   but the game will remain the same.  although she attempted a pro-women without being anti-men (but really basically kind of) stance, every light she tried to shed on the industry, positive or negative,  just lent a spotlight to a big neon sign that reads US vs. THEM.

there were some good moments, though.  like 3.  maybe 4.  like the whole thing about how high heels push your butt out and basically make you handicapped so it's harder to run away.  little sexy prey.  awesome.

just sayin'.

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