Saturday, May 5, 2012


1. i cannot remember a day without a cookie. it's been such a long time.
2. i have not smoked in eleven days. and counting.
3. i cannot focus on anything.
4. i have never heard that "call me, maybe" song in full, yet parts of it have been looping in my mind for days now. i don't even know who sings it. unacceptable. i plan to never ever hear the whole song, much like my avoidance of the whole twilight phenomenon.
5. i should not be allowed to watch the news or read the newspaper until i am at a severely apathetic age where humanity does not phase me anymore.
6. on my mind: camera, looming paper project, retreat, summer, john proctor, healthy living
7. i read this part of Best Non Required Reading (2006?) where they asked some scientists to comment on something that they believe in but cannot prove. Some of the most intriguing responses, to me, involved: true love & that time does not exist
8. what the hell, humans? what are we? what are we doing here? please respond.