me: me neither. two more hours sounds so wretched.
A: ughhh doesn't it? it's like an eternity of puke.
RBC: Everything in life is an experiment.
me: are those words from your boss' mentally demented brother?
RBC: yep. he is so odd. he wants to set me up with a doctor he knows in san diego.
me: what kind?
RBC: a peruvian kind. i don't know. some type of physician.
me: sounds like he probably smells good and knows witchcraft.
RBC: what?
me: That's what a peruvian physician makes me think of.
i've been having really good days and then -BOOM- FEELINGS make themselves known. wretched, illogical FEELINGS. like a gross burp from the past. indigestion. heartburn.
and also too:
regarding the way that some people say "boom son" to excess:
me: what if i just started liking every one of *'s posts? what if?
dm: then i guess you'd be his son?
me: which just adds to it all. who is that even addressed to? his homies? life is so weird.
dm: i think you should start saying "boom girl" on your sentences.
me: boom, daughter.
dm: how about "loud explosion child"
me: yesssssssssss!
and most importantly:
"Sometimes 'intuition' is just a deceptive reflection of where you once were; counter intuition can be liberating."
needed that. also- scary. how do you ever know?
"commit to a different and purposeful strategy, and be objective in assessing what is happening. honest friends help."