i've been waiting for an hour for the children to leave so i can raid this lost lunch i found left in a plastic bag in my classroom. The moment of glory is upon me.
The goods:
1. one bag of cheddar jalapeno cheetos
2. one bag of Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Chips (30% less fat!)
3. one peanut butter on jelly sandwich, cut down the middle, no skimping on filling, toasted wheat bread
4. one turkey sandwich, cut down the middle, slice american cheese, mayo on both pieces of bread, and some iceberg lettuce.
5. Capri Sun- berry (respect the pouch)
6. Skinny Cow Heavenly Crisp Milk Chocolate candy bar (110 calories)
7. Yoplait yogurt- boysenberry
8. napkin
9. spoon
a mysterious gift.
who was this lunchless child, and what kitchen will she run home to?
i am most impressed by the presence of iceberg lettuce. who does that? who bothers to slice up iceberg lettuce to put on a school lunch?
also, what the heck is the average portion of a female high schoolers lunch?
also, this has every appearance of health, or at least strong efforts in that direction. but is it?
is it really?
1. shared 2. devoured 3. eaten mostly. and first, oddly enough 4. eaten kind of 5. obviously 6. stashed 7. questionable, but i'll probably eat it later