Tuesday, November 6, 2012

hope and change

everyone high on their horses
-experts everywhere-
when the truth is

control is an illusion
on all levels,
i think

some people would probably crucify me for not voting today.
i am not a responsible citizen.  not a true american.  i have no right to complain.

ya ya ya
one of man
y man y many

more like
idol voting
(call in for whoever you want
it will cost the same)
tomorrow we will wake up and drive to work
hope for no accident on the freeway
change the date on the calendar
a new day
"let's get this nation back on the right track"
what track?  where are we going?  who are we, anyway?
we doesn't feel related to me much at all
bound and bent toward futility
balloons will go up in some room or another
confetti will fall down on some floor and some shoes
and four years,
like seasons,
will follow.

i am walking slow to the car
filling up every single minute
with hope of my own
a we and a me
and a small universe,
drawn on my wrist.

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